Desktop, Laptop, Netbook: Which One?

It really depends on a person what he or she would be using the computer more heavily on. Different needs are catered to by the different types of machines available for your use.
For gamers, it is actually more advisable to get a desktop: greater, more kick-butt specs, and a sturdier machine to play with. Laptops are for the mobile set: the jetsetting executive, the student on the run (to keep up with school requirements), or even for those who have health conditions that require them to shift positions throughout a work shift.
On the other hand, there is another machine that would still be of great use for those who already have either desktops or laptops: the netbook. The netbook is the toy.. Err.. Machine that you bring around for instant access to the Internet, or just for working, jotting down notes, or even writing, while you're out of the office. Thanks to the netbook, being ultramobile need not be a dehydration on the wallet, nor an anvil on your back.
When it comes to what you would need, it's actually just a matter of figuring out what you should be looking out for, really:
1. Understand what you would be using the machine for.
2. Understand how sturdy you would need your machine to be.
3. Figure out the specifications that your machine should have, and whether the particular type of computer could fill that need.
Bear in mind netbooks have far lower specs than desktops, and they have specs a few shades lower than laptops. Some laptops, on the other hand, have specs that could compete with desktops, but are not as sturdy, because of the chassis and the build. Desktops, on the other hand, have a great handicap, you can't keep moving it around your house, let alone bring it around.
Figuring out the kind of machine you would require is not so daunting as it may seem. Just be honest with what you need, prioritize these, and you'll be on your way to matching yourself with the perfect computer in no time!
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