Granado Espada Pioneering Quest - Coimbra

Coimbra Pioneering Quest

Prerequisite: completed Reboldoeux Pioneering Quest

Illier Style Tofu Dish
1. Go to Port of Coimbra and talk to Nunez.
2. Buy a Sofu Tofu from Camille and a Chocolate from Lisa.
3. Return to Nunez.
4. Talk to the Coimbra Pioneer Officer (Jonathan).
5. Return to Nunez.

Collect Pioneer Seal
1. Collect 3 level2 Pioneer Seals by completing Pioneer Memorial hunt missions in King's Garden, Tetra Hills, or Tetra Great Ruins.
2. Return to Nunez.

Phobitan Punitive Operation
1. Collect 3 more level2 Pioneer Seals by completing Pioneer Memorial hunt missions in King's Garden, Tetra Hills, or Tetra Great Ruins.
2. Return to Nunez.

Locating the Hidden Corridor
1. Go to H7 of Tetra Great Catacombs and kill the Siegmund that spawns in that room (The correct Siegmund to kill drops Area Voucher #10).
2. Click on the Secret Mechanism at the east side of the H7 room to enter the Hidden Corridor.
3. Within the Hidden Corridor, open all the chests to receive the required quest items. There are 9 chests in total, with 5 containing the required quest items.
4. Return to Nunez.

Quaint Stone Collection
1. Go to Jezebel Glen and hunt Bandelier Pirates for quest item.
2. Return to Nunez.

Porto Bello Punitive Operation
1. Collect 3 level4 Pioneer Seals by completing Pioneer Memorial hunt missions in Porto Bello Deck, Cabin, or Hold.
2. Return to Nunez.

Greeting Letters
1. Talk to the Coimbra Pioneer Officer.
2. Go to City of Auch and talk to the Auch Pioneer Officer (Elanore).

Nimrod Bridge Defense Operation
Required level: 31
1. Talk to Nunez to start an instanced mission, stay at the starting position and kill all incoming mobs for duration of mission.
2. Return to Nunez.

Robbers in Tetra
(This series of side quests from Nunez are optional, but they do give a few rewards.)
1. Talk to Nunez to start an instanced mission, defeat the 5 mini-bosses.
2. Return to Nunez.


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