Granado Espada Stance - Gigantic Blaster

Gigantic Blaster is an advance buckshot stance that quickly blasts a multitude of enemies at once.

This stance is available for: Grace Bernelli, Lorch Furuholmen

Required weapon to trigger the stance: Shotgun
Ammunition: Buckshot
Required level: Veteran
Basic attack description: 2-hit per cycle, splash
Max level bonus: +45 accuracy, +16% attack speed, +10% critical

Prerequisite: Gigantic Blaster level 1
Descripton: Instantly shoots down the enemy by blowing against the enemies, targets 3 enemies within 8m range.
Cost to cast: 100 SP, 1 buckshot
Casting time:

Skill Details:

level 1 : ATK 482%
level 2 : ATK 526%
level 3 : ATK 569%
level 4 : ATK 613%
level 5 : ATK 657%
level 6 : ATK 701%
level 7 : ATK 745%
level 8 : ATK 788%
level 9 : ATK 832%
level 10 : ATK 876%
level 11 : ATK 920%
level 12 : ATK 964%

Blow Back
Prerequisite: Gigantic Blaster level 8
Description: Blows the enemies away with a strong gunshot, targets 6 enemies within 9m range. 50% chance to inflict Mortal Wound
Cost to cast: 200 SP, 1 buckshot

Skill Details:

level 1 : ATK 547%
level 2 : ATK 597%
level 3 : ATK 647%
level 4 : ATK 697%
level 5 : ATK 747%
level 6 : ATK 796%
level 7 : ATK 846%
level 8 : ATK 896%
level 9 : ATK 946%
level 10 : ATK 995%
level 11 : ATK 1045%
level 12 : ATK 1095%

Slug Bullet
Prerequisite: Gigantic Blaster level 12
Description: The enemies are attacked with shots of critical damage, targets 6 enemies within 10m range. 100% chance to inflict Mortal Wound.
Cost to cast: 250 SP, 1 buckshot

Skill Details:

level 1 : ATK 575%
level 2 : ATK 627%
level 3 : ATK 679%
level 4 : ATK 732%
level 5 : ATK 784%
level 6 : ATK 836%
level 7 : ATK 888%
level 8 : ATK 941%
level 9 : ATK 993%
level 10 : ATK 1045%
level 11 : ATK 1097%
level 12 : ATK 1150%

Steel Baton
Prerequisite: Gigantic Blaster level 16
Description: Captures the enemy with the hard-steeled shot, targets 6 enemies within 11m range. Ignores 50 defense on target, 50% chance to inflict Mortal Wound
Cost to cast: 300 SP, 1 buckshot

Skill Details:

level 1 : ATK 781%
level 2 : ATK 852%
level 3 : ATK 923%
level 4 : ATK 994%
level 5 : ATK 1064%
level 6 : ATK 1135%
level 7 : ATK 1206%
level 8 : ATK 1277%
level 9 : ATK 1348%
level 10 : ATK 1419%
level 11 : ATK 1490%
level 12 : ATK 1561%


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