RF Online Cora Classes - Stealer

Description: They’re a skilled group who like to think and act for themselves. They do whatever it takes to survive and are labelled as “Stealers” by the Bishop.

Required Level: 40


Fake Death

Description: User feigns death, causing NPC enemies to stop attacking.

Skill Type: Utility

FP Cost: 90 FP

Cool Down: 60 seconds

Level Up: Death is more convincing

Force Confusion

Description: Reduces an enemy's maximum FP and causes FP costs to rise.

Skill Type: Utility

FP Cost: 90 FP

Cool Down: 60 seconds

Level Up: Greater max FP reduction, higher FP costs

Blink Illusion

Description: Temporary increase to self evasion rate at the cost of attack power.

Skill Type: Self Buff

FP Cost: 90 FP

Cool Down: 10 seconds

Level Up: Higher evasion rate, longer duration


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